Human DJ, Potgieter L, 2023, Landscape configurations of refuge areas that delay the evolution of resistance to Bt sugarcane: an agent based modelling approach, Journal of Economic Entomology 116(4):1360-1371.
Fouotsa Manfouo NC, Potgieter L, Watson A, Nel JH, 2023, A comparison of the statistical downscaling and long-short-term-memory artificial neural network for long-term temperature and precipitations forecasting, Atmosphere 14(4):708.
Matter DM, Potgieter L, 2021, Allocating epidemic response teams and vaccine deliveries by drone in generic network structures according to expected prevented exposures, PLoS ONE 16(3): e0248053.
Van Vuuren BJ, Potgieter L & Van Vuuren JH, 2018, An agent-based simulation model of Eldana saccharina Walker, Natural Resource Modeling, 2017;00:e12153.
Van Schalkwyk H, Potgieter L, Hui C, 2017, The development of a spatio-temporal model for water hyacinth biological control strategies, Mathematical and Computational Forestry and Natural-Resource Sciences, 9(1), pp.30-42.
Potgieter L, Van Vuuren JH & Conlong DE, 2016, Simulation modelling as a decision support in developing a sterile insect-inherited sterility release strategy for Eldana saccharina (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), Florida Entomologist, 99, pp.13-22.
Potgieter L, Van Vuuren JH & Conlong DE, 2015, The role of heterogeneous agricultural landscapes in the suppression of pest species following random walk dispersal patterns, Ecological Modelling, 306, pp 240-246.
Van Vuuren BJ, Potgieter L & Van Vuuren JH, 2015, An agent-based simulation model describing the lek mating of E. saccharina, Proceedings of 2015 ORSSA Annual Conference, Johannesburg, pp.1-11
Van Vuuren BJ, Potgieter L & Van Vuuren JH, 2014, Prerequisites for the design of an agent-based model for simulating the population dynamics of Eldana saccharina Walker, Proceedings of the 2014 ORSSA Annual Conference, Parys, pp.62-70
Potgieter L, Van Vuuren JH & Conlong DE, 2013, A reaction-diffusion model for the control of Eldana saccharina Walker in sugarcane using the sterile insect technique, Ecological Modelling, 250, pp.319-328.
Potgieter L, Van Vuuren JH & Conlong DE, 2012, Modelling the effects of the sterile insect technique applied to Eldana saccharina Walker in sugarcane, ORiON, 28(2), pp.59-84.
Noé Caréme Fouotsa Manfouo, PhD (Operations Research)
Supervisor: Linke Potgieter
Co-supervisor: Hannelie Nel
Brian van Vuuren, PhD (Industrial Engineering)
Supervisor: Linke Potgieter
Co-supervisors: Jan van Vuuren and James Bekker
The development of an Eldana risk index
Philip Prinsloo, MSc (Operations research)
Supervisor: Linke Potgieter
Co-supervisor: Hannelie Nel
Die evaluering van die produksievloei by 'n jogurtfabriek in Suid-Afrika
Annelie Wessels, MCom (Quantitative Management)
Supervisor: Linke Potgieter
A cellular automaton for improving sugarcane field layouts for pest control
Pieter de Wet, MCom (Operations Research)
Supervisor: Linke Potgieter
An agent-based simulation modelling approach to assessing various refuge strategies in Bt sugarcane
Dirk Johannes Human, MCom (Operations Research)
Supervisor: Linke Potgieter
A simulation model of an Ebola epidemic to investigate the effectiveness of intervention strategies
Kyle van Heerden, MSc (Operations Research)
Supervisor: Linke Potgieter
A heuristic approach for solving the deterministic and stochastic air crew pairing problem
Thloni Masipa, MSc (Operations Research)
Supervisor: Linke Potgieter
Co-supervisor: Mapundi Banda (UP)
Meta-heuristic approaches to portfolio optimisation
Bryce Senekal, MCom (Quantitative Management)
Supervisor: Linke Potgieter
A spatio-temporal model for improving biological control strategies for water hyacinth
Heléne van Schalkwyk, MCom (Operations Research)
Supervisor: Linke Potgieter
Co-supervisor: Cang Hui
Mobile clinic deployment in the Witzenberg region of South Africa
Hannah Jarvis, HonsBCom (Operations Research)
Supervisor: Linke Potgieter
An agent-based model for the control of Eldana saccharina Walker using the sterile insect technique in combination with refuge areas in Bt sugarcane
Samantha Downing, HonsBCom (Operations Research)
Supervisor: Linke Potgieter
A mixed-integer programming model for scheduling anaesthetists at Tygerberg Hospital
Michelle de Beer, HonsBCom (Operations Research)
Supervisor: Linke Potgieter
A combined resource allocation and epidemic model to evaluate UAV vaccine delivery and team allocation strategies for measles outbreak response
Dean Michael Matter, HonsBCom (Operations Research)
Supervisor: Linke Potgieter
A discrete event simulation model of an outpatient clinic in the Western Cape
Annelie Wessels, HonsBCom (Quantitative Management)
Supervisor: Linke Potgieter
An ordinary differential equation model for refugia planning in a Bt-sugarcane scenario
Mashoto Maselela, HonsBCom (Operations Research)
Supervisor: Linke Potgieter
A systems dynamics approach for investigating intervention strategies for the Ebola virus disease
Kyle van Heerden, HonsBSc (Operations Research)
Supervisor: Linke Potgieter
Doctor scheduling in the Karl Bremer Emergency Centre
Candice Muller, HonsBCom (Operations Research)
Supervisor: Linke Potgieter
Portfolio selection from the JSE Top 40 using modern portfolio theory
Gillian Toplis, HonsBCom (Quantitative Management)
Supervisors: Linke Potgieter & Hannelie Nel
Modelling biological control strategies for water hyacinth
Helene van Schalkwyk, HonsBCom (Operations Research)
Supervisor: Linke Potgieter
Modelling predator-prey interactions with cellular automata
Dirk Human, HonsBCom (Operations Research)
Supervisor: Linke Potgieter
Comparing strategies of play for the board game Risk
Pieter de Wet, HonsBCom (Operations Research)
Supervisors: Linke Potgieter & Cobus Potgieter
A simulation of The Duck Farm
Kimberley Bailey, HonsBCom (Operations Research)
Supervisors: Linke Potgieter & Cobus Potgieter
The sensitivity of an asset allocation: adjusting for changes
Lehlohonolo Thloni Masipa, HonsBCom (Operations Research)
Supervisor: Linke Potgieter
Optimising portfolio construction
Chanwyn Williams, HonsBCom (Operations Research)
Supervisor: Linke Potgieter